
Lean Assurance and Accounting [Webinar]

Register for part 3 of our Lean Six Sigma (LSS) webinar series, The Road Trip to Productivity: Lean Assurance and Accounting, to learn how to apply modern solutions to decades-old assurance processes in today’s hybrid-remote culture.

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Last Updated September 1, 2023


Watch Now → The Road Trip to Productivity: Lean Assurance and Accounting


Lean Assurance and Accounting

Remote work during COVID has changed the audit landscape forever.

Join Roman Kepczyk and learn how to apply lean methodologies to improve your assurance practice today!

Keep reading to find out what you can expect to learn—and what Roman is most looking forward to discussing—in part 3 of our webinar series: The Road Trip to Productivity: Lean Assurance and Accounting

Why Is Now the Right Time to Focus on Assurance and Accounting?

RK: Auditing is going through a renaissance, and firms need to be able to find new ways to conduct the necessary procedures as effectively as they did pre-COVID.

COVID made it near-impossible for auditors to be onsite with clients, so they had to innovate with technology, virtual collaboration and the introduction of new digital solutions—we will dive deep into how these decades-old processes were improved with modern solutions.

Additionally, we are beginning to see new assurance solutions enter the marketplace. These assurance solutions will have profound long-term impacts on the makeup of firm applications.

Who Should Attend Lean Assurance and Accounting?

RK: Any professional or administrative support personnel who is part of the audit production process will learn how assurance practices are being transformed with software and tools. We’ll dig into the solutions that have helped—as well as the solutions to avoid!

What Makes Lean Assurance and Accounting Different From Other Assurance and Accounting Webinars?

RK: This assurance and accounting webinar is different because I will be sharing internal firm best practices (garnered from my Lean Assurance Optimization (LAO) process) as well as discuss how to more effectively collaborate with clients to streamline the completion of assurance engagements.

What Else Can Attendees Expect to Learn?

RK: Attendees can expect to learn:

  1. Learn the status of today’s audit applications and work programs and why the application landscape will shake up in the next few years
  2. How today’s collaboration tools will improve both the firm’s assurance workflow and client collaboration
  3. The latest hardware being utilized by firms as well as gadgets that are expected to change how auditors work forever


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Watch Now → The Road Trip to Productivity: Lean Assurance and Accounting


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