Avalara AvaTax

Filed under Tax tools


Avalara AvaTax uses automation to make tax determination faster, easier, and more accurate. Use AvaTax to calculate sales tax, VAT and GST across industries, borders and tax types.

Calculate Rates

With AvaTax, you can automatically calculate rates across sales and use tax; customs and duties; VAT; goods and services tax; communications tax, excise tax, consumer use tax, lodging tax, and beverage alcohol tax.

Achieve Greater Accuracy Across Tax Jurisdictions

Follow rate changes for addresses, track nexus and get alerts in each state, and create plus export consolidate reports for sales tax liabilities and exemptions.

Get Tax Calculation and Compliance Across Borders

AvaTax helps you sell your products and services in over 190 countries by enabling you to calculate and collect duties upfront, apply VAT and GST to international sales or purchases, and prevent inaccurate returns, all while automating your cross-border compliance.